Hope is Hard

I was at Ave Maria Grotto in Cullman Alabama on Saturday selling/signing my book. Sitting at the table next to me was a young author who wrote a book on anxiety. Since our books are in the same genre, it was fitting that we sat together. Seeing the name of our books, some people would […]

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Following Christ Crucified

I remember the day that I decided to stop being afraid. Even though it was a quiet decision, deeply held within my being, everything shifted. I try to remember what brought me to it but it remains elusive. Maybe it was a shift in tactic; from fleeing to fighting. Maybe it was a mustard seed’s […]

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Love Them Where They Are

On a particularly crisp Autumn night, our meeting-room filled to capacity. There were no available seats left in the rows of tables arranged together to form a square. We started our meeting with the Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things […]

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