There is no shame here.

When addiction enters a home, recovery is necessary for the entire family.

I should know – I’m a mom whose family has been touched by addiction. And along the way, I learned how to combine my faith with recovery.

Above all, I want you to know – you are not alone and there is hope. There are no stigmas here. Let’s journey together.

Why The Twelve Steps + Ignatian Spirituality?

The big picture idea behind 12-step practices and Ignatian Spirituality is to work towards healing dis-ease, dis-order and disruption in our relationships to God, self and others.


The first three steps require us to admit that “I can’t. God can. I’ll let Him.” Likewise, in Ignatian Spirituality, the First Principle and Foundation focuses on humanity being created to “praise, reverence, and serve God.” Recovering faith means we have to let go and radically trust God, which requires building a relationship with Him.


The second set of steps focuses on our relationship with ourselves, which includes acknowledging that we are loved children of God made in His Image and Likeness. We cannot do this alone – walking this journey with a sponsor (AA) or spiritual director (Ignatian) allows us to heal this relationship with ourselves and replace our bad habits for good.


Now, we can recover our relationship with others. We start by making amends or reconnecting with family (disruption) by making amends and then learn how to maintain our relationships with God, ourselves, and others (Examen Prayer). We try to keep a healthy prayer life (which the spiritual exercises are all about prayer) and then we give it back to the world. (The Call of Christ the King).

Want to learn how to do this? I wrote a book!

After years of blogging and speaking at retreats, I realized the message of hope I’d received could be helpful to so many families struggling in silence.

Your faith and your family’s recovery journey go hand-in-hand. Let me take your hand and show you how.

Jean book on table

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Ebook pages

Guide to Healing for Family Members

Did you know the Serenity Prayer can be the first step on the path to recovering your faith, yourself, and your family? When you sign up for my free “Guide to Healing for Family Members,” I’ll walk you through this prayer and how it can be the cornerstone for the beginning of your recovery journey.

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